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low energy consuming

At the end of August, we gave four key tips to manage your AC bill one being changing out incandescent bulbs with LED's at home. These bulbs use just about 70% less electricity as compared to regular light bulbs we are used to. What makes it so appealing, also besides the look-and-feel is that they will last you quite a long time (you won't have to replace them as often). This is not only convenient but also more economical since you do not need to buy light bulbs that often.

One of the best ways to conserve on energy without even knowing it is by having a programmable thermostat installed in your house. Using this smart device, you can program different temperatures for the day. You could, for instance instruct the thermostat to be warmer at home and cooler when you are away. Thus you can go more eco mode when outside or asleep. You can even control some newer thermostats using an app on your phone, that way you do not have to get out of bed when the temperature changes in the night or mess with it while at work or school and if you are going away for a weekend its simple.

Cutting-edge technology for energy-efficient living

From double-sided screws and nuts for kitchen appliances, to firmware that runs our entertainment center end every high... Those are designed to help you reduce your energy usage, so with a little effort on your part in measuring, they might pay for themselves over time by reducing money spent power bills and helping the planet. So now you can use those gadgets as much as we eat junk but also at the same time being reasonable.

To lessen your carbon impact is crucial to save our Earth. Your carbon footprint is the sum of all greenhouse gases you emit, so one thing easy reduce your CO2 emissions and energy consumption in general are: switch to products that save energy, while others may be small but they make a difference daily.

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